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Grade X – A journey similar to a game.

Estimated 20 lakh students enter grade X every year (correct me if I am wrong); I was one of them last year. Frankly speaking, for me, the year’s journey was similar to that of the boy in the game – HILL CLIMB RACING.  This game I just mentioned is a racing game, you have to…

Prompt #12 March 2023

Where would you go on a shopping spree? I would like to go to Centre Market, Lajpat Nagar, Delhi. This market has all the stuff which one wants, from clothing to home decor and electronics and everything else. It is said that half of the population of Delhi gets their clothes and accessories from there…

Elevator Speech💡

I will begin this post with a very interesting story, Back in 1983, John Sculley was the president of Pepsi. Sculley had dedicated his career to Pepsi and was widely believed to be a serious contender to become PepsiCo’s chairman one day. As a result, Sculley constantly turned down offers from corporate headhunters, trying to…

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